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Medical Pearls from the Internet Medical Association

Internet pornography may alter the brains motivational system. Internet pornography has virtually limitless novelty, the potential for easy escalation to more extreme material, and other features that do not readily transition to real-life partners. This can lead to sexual dissatisfaction with real-life partners, resulting in erectile dysfunction. Terminating Internet pornography use may lead to the reversal of erectile dysfunction.

Comment: Viewing pornography online can lead to unrealistic expectations of real-life partners. Erectile dysfunction appears to be the result in at least some men. Terminating the use of pornography online may reverse the problem, without the need for Viagra!

Behav Sci (Basel). 2016 Aug 5;6(3).    (retrieved Aug, 2016). There are currently 1090 pearls in the database. While every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, mistakes can and do occur. Use databank at your own risk. All pearls © 2024 by the Internet Medical Association. Click Here to view more medical pearls.