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Medical Pearls from the Internet Medical Association

This review article discusses two established models for helping people affect behavioral change: motivational interviewing and the transtheoretical model of behavior change.

Comment: Some of the greatest advances in modern medicine this century likely will come from the discovery of improved ways to get people to change their habits for the better. Habit change, specifically in the area of diet and exercise, is a critical component of health and longevity.

Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2016 Sep 14. pii: S0033-0620(16)30105-0.    (retrieved Sep, 2016). There are currently 1090 pearls in the database. While every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, mistakes can and do occur. Use databank at your own risk. All pearls © 2024 by the Internet Medical Association. Click Here to view more medical pearls.