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Medical Pearls from the Internet Medical Association

This study looked at the social identity of doctors in relationship to teaching in medical school and students growth over time. They conclude that this is a poorly researched area, but suggest that the power associated with social status is best used in a distributive fashion, i.e., the power is distributed between doctor and patient in a manner to promote healing.

Comment: This is an interesting article. The authors state that knowledge and trustworthiness enhance a doctors social status, but that the power associated with this social status is best used in a way that shares power between doctor and patient. Patients often feel a loss of social status because, e.g., they are unable to work. The conclusion from this article is simply that more research needs to be done on how we train medical students to maximize healing through the use of their social status.

Med Educ. 2020 Jan 28. doi: 10.1111/medu.14074    (retrieved Jan, 2020). There are currently 1090 pearls in the database. While every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, mistakes can and do occur. Use databank at your own risk. All pearls © 2024 by the Internet Medical Association. Click Here to view more medical pearls.