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Medical Pearls from the Internet Medical Association

ENDOCARDITIS PROPHYLAXIS: offer for cardiac valvulopathy in transplant recipients; prosthetic heart valves; history of infective endocarditis; repaired congenital heart disease with residual defects; completely repaired congenital heart disease within the last 6 months; or unrepaired congenital cyanotic heart disease. DO NOT OFFER for bicuspid aortic valve, acquired aortic or mitral valve disease, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. WHEN TO GIVE: for all dental procedures, respiratory tract procedures involving biopsy of respiratory mucosa, procedures in patients with ongoing GI or GU tract infections, and for procedures on infected tissues including skin and soft tissues.

First Aid for the Family Medicine Boards 1    (retrieved Apr, 2014). There are currently 1090 pearls in the database. While every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, mistakes can and do occur. Use databank at your own risk. All pearls © 2024 by the Internet Medical Association. Click Here to view more medical pearls.